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Dr. Michael Quinn is the Founder of Resurrection Life Ministries, now based in Long Island, NewYork.Resurrection Life is an international, apostolic ministry with the three-fold purpose of reconciling the Chosen people to their Messiah, calling for a new aliyah or return of the Jewish people back to the Land of Israel, and reconciling the Christian Church back to her Biblical Jewish roots. After living in and establishing works throughout the former Soviet Union and Israel for the past 15 years, God has called Michael back to America to conduct 'Israel Awakening' Gatherings throughout the USA.His heart is for the salvation of Jewish people throughout the world and especially the nation of Israel.It is time for the Body of Messiah to arise through apostolic declaration, prophetic intercession, manifestation of God's creative power, and acts of mercy to provoke the Jew to jealousy as clearly stated in Romans 11:11. "Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious." - Romans 11:11. While serving as Pastor of a Church in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia in 1993, Michael had an open vision of a Jewish man from the Ukraine crying out to him,"Michael, come and help us!" Two days later, he learned of an outreach to the Jewish people in Kiev, Ukraine. Michael immediately knew that he was to go and help bring the good news to His Chosen people.It was at that outreach that the Holy Spirit burned in his heart the Lord's passion for the salvation of Israel. It was also about this same time that the Lord began to unfold to him some profound revelations of the endtimes based on "For if their rejection (of Jesus) is the reconciliation of the world (because the Gospel was preached to the Gentiles), what will their acceptance (Of Jesus) be but life from the dead?" - Romans 11:15
Hence the name, Resurrection Life Ministries. "You, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root..... consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you." - Romans 11:17-18 Resurrection Life Ministries works to restore both the people of Israel and the nation of Israel back to God. The Lord's purpose is for Israel to serve as a light to the nations, but this will happen only when the Jewish people are reconciled to Him, then united together in Jesus the Messiah, with other non-Jewish believers. This is the "one new man" described in Ephesians 2:15, who will usher in the glory of God and bring in the endtime harvest. Pastor Michael has`established works in Russia, Hungary, Latvia, Ukraine, Israel and the USA.He feels especially privileged to be called to come alongside congregations for breakthrough and to establish strong foundations. Messiah said: Apostle Quinn received his Doctor of Divinity degree in 2011 from God’s Living Word Ministries in Longview, WA, overseen by Rev. William D. Cortnik, Archbishop.